Category Archives: Akoete

Speedy Letters

On April 21, I received an email with a link to a copy of a letter from Akoete. Here in the United States, we accept speedy internet correspondence as a way of life, but not so much in a poor area in Togo. It is truly special to be able to receive a letter written by Akoete on April 6, just fifteen days after it was written!


Focus on Akoete



Birth Date – June 2006


Favorite Food – Fatty Couscous*

Favorite Color – Red

Favorite Dream – Welder

Favorite Toy – Toy Car

Favorite Game – Soccer

* Togolese Couscous in Peanut Sauce Recipe –


Watching Them Grow

Each time that I receive a letter in the mail from Compassion International, I always get excited, especially when the outside of the envelope contains these words — MESSAGE FROM YOUR SPONSORED CHILD. Many times there are notes from the children prepared with the assistance of a church worker, family member, etc. Recently I received updated pictures from two of the children — Anne in Haiti and Akoete in Togo.

I am so thankful to get to watch them grow!

Anne – Old and New


Akoete – Old and New



Unexpected Blessings

I had expected from the start to write these children many letters and hoped to give to them in many ways by my prayers for them, and monetary gifts to support them. It didn’t take me long to realize that my relationship with the children was really going to be a two-way relationship.

I had expected to teach them, but they are also teaching me. In Akoete‘s first letter to me, he asked if I liked gboma sauce. I had never heard of it. His question caused me to do research and I now know that gboma sauce is a sauce made with gboma which is a green leafy vegetable, also known as the African eggplant.

I had expected to send notes to the children and tell them I love them, but they are already sending me notes telling me they love me.

I had expected to pray for the children, but the children and the children’s church family are also praying for me.

Teaching each other … loving each other … praying for each other … what blessings!



1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 2

And now there are nine! Nine children – that’s how many I support with a monetary commitment each month. But just as important as the monetary commitment is the commitment to communicate with these children on a regular basis – to remember them by keeping a regular correspondence to them going, to remember them on special occasions, and to continue to pray for them daily.

After deciding to sponsor Fredeline in December 2013, when the new year arrived I was so excited about sponsoring her that I wanted to do more. During the January timeframe, I chose three additional children from Haiti – first Chalanda, then Anne, then Anold. After choosing the four in Haiti, I must have been making up for lost time because the next month I decided to begin considering children in Africa. I started questioning myself as to how many children I felt I could comfortably sponsor now. I say ‘comfortably’ because a commitment to these children is a big responsibility. These children get so excited when they are chosen by a sponsor, and it is up to each sponsor to live up to his/her end of the deal. I knew I could do more. So in February I chose Rosine and Akoete, both from Togo, and Emeliya from Ethiopia. Then in March, I chose the final two – for now – Hasimat and Kigongo, both from Uganda.

These are the nine precious children I have chosen to support in my role as sponsor. I am happy with my decision to do this, and I only wish I had done it sooner!