Category Archives: All My (Sponsored) Children

Country Directors Letters

I recently received a set of letters from the country directors of my sponsored children.  These letters definitely give more insight into the challenges the children face on a daily basis. I am so happy to be able to do a little part in this huge mission.


Keeping in Touch

I’ve been really busy over the last five months moving out of a home I’ve lived in for almost thirty years. Although I try to write to each child once monthly, I feel I’ve just not had/taken the time I normally have to stay in good communications with each of them. When I receive a sweet letter from one of them, it is a tangible reminder of how important it is to consistently write to each child. Sometimes the business of life gets in the way of the important things. I think it’s about time to write some more letters …


Common Thread

The common thread in the posts from my children is that they love me and that they (and also their families) pray for me. It is hard to comprehend that these children value me being their sponsor so much, but I am more and more convinced that they are truly thankful for the support I can give them. I am thankful to be able to support these precious children.

How I wish I could see each one of them and give them a hug!!!


Monthly Letters

Making sure that I write to each child once a month is a resolution I make to myself each year.

Besides my monthly monetary commitments in support of the children, it is important to me that each child has a tangible connection with me on a regular basis. Each letter I send contains from one to three pictures. The pictures may be of myself, family or many times of places I have traveled. I send many pictures of nature because my nature hikes provide me with some of my favorite subjects whether it be a squirrel, butterfly or flower. Many times, a child will write back to me telling me how much she or he has enjoyed the pictures. It is so crucial to me to be consistent and to ensure that each child is aware that I am thinking of each of them throughout the year. I want the children to look forward to the mail deliveries at their center rather than being disappointed if a letter is not received.


Staying Connected

I am always touched when I receive a letter from one of these children. The common thread across all the children’s letters is letting me know how much they love me and thanking me for being their sponsor. They also tell me they are praying for me and my family. I am supporting them through my sponsorship dollars, communications and prayers. They are uplifting me through their communications and prayers. It’s the way we stay connected!


Part of My Family

I sometimes get concerned that by having this website it might appear that I am trying to focus on what I have done by sponsoring these children. This is certainly not my intent; even most of those closest to me do not realize I am a sponsor. Part of the reason I keep it private is because I truly do believe it is wrong to boast about Christian deeds, and I do not want my actions to appear that way. But I do also know it is important to get the word out so that more children can be sponsored. So that is the dilemma I have — being careful about overly sharing or hiding my lamp under a bushel.

There are two reasons I have this site:

  • To encourage others that may be thinking of sponsoring a child to actually do it
  • Because I consider these children to be part of my extended family – the large family I never had

I am so proud to tell the world about these children, not unlike parents who love to share news about their children. Sponsoring these children makes me happy and I want to share my happiness somewhere. In doing that, I hope that others will choose to do the same!